On 12 Nov 2002 at 15:26, Brendan wrote:

> yes it does use the AA type, I used the ones supplied
> with the camera, not my own 1600 mha ones that I keep
> in the AF500 flash.

Hi Brendan,

The batteries could have been abused hence low on capacity as what you are 
experiencing doesn't sound right. The storage was micro-drive? If so I suspect 
that that would have added significantly to the power consumption as does using 
the post view LCD. Cotty could provide some reference real world experience 
with the D60 as he has had his for a month or two now. FWIW I get around 150 
4MP shots off to a set of 4 AA 1600mAh NiMH cells in my E-10.

I don't believe that they are "meant for studio use", I haven't seen a film 
camera in the hands of a pro at any news conference, car races or other 
sporting events around here for some time now. Even the local paper is all 

It sounds like you need to get your clients under control too. I shoot digital along 
side film and I'll show my clients the digital shots after the shoot but not during.


Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours

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