Hi David,

"David A. Mann" wrote:
> Rob Studdert wrote:
> > http://www.home.aone.net.au/audiobias/PB213592m.JPG
> Thanks for the pic, Rob.  I don't claim to know anything about optical
> design!
> Plus that's an A 50mm f/1.2 in your pic, something I didn't realise
> existed... I should have kept my mouth shut yesterday ;)

And (asserting bragging rights,) I have one on order!
The 1.2, not the 1.0! I didn't know the 1.0 existed either, but
there's photographic proof!

I hope the 1.2 turns as good as I hope. I wanted the viewfinder
brightness increase it provides.
At mid-range apertures, it's at least as sharp as Pentaxes renowned
50mm f/1.4, according to lens resolution tests.
The rest of the numbers are not all that bad at all, and the bokeh is
very nice...

I'm really anxious to do my own testing. <g>

keith whaley
> Cheers,
> - Dave
> http://www.digistar.com/~dmann/

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