Scary and I agree with most of what you said. Let's hope this does not become common 
practice from here on out.

OTOH, they were probably bored. If they were on high alert, they could have been 
sitting for hours on surveillance with nothing happening. Then you show up...

I got the impression this might have been late in the day and/or near dusk. Don't know 
why. Anyway, I've always gotten more tickets late at night. Cause the one little cop 
car patrolling the town or downtown (where ever I've been) is bored. Driving around 
and around with nothing happening. (Not speeding tickets, just little annoying things.)

Maybe a sense of humor would go a long way, "Hey, I am not a crazed terrorist, just a 
crazed photographer." 

But probably not, they sound like they were not in a joking mood.


Doe aka Marnie

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