Original Message -----

> Hey Rob, group,
> It is sad you some are going out digging out things on me.  Very sad.  Why
> kind of list is this?

You are not... nice, and I don't... like you because of your rude, arrogant
behavior. I'm sure that there are others who feel the same way. Perhaps (of
course) there are others who think you're just... dandy.

There are some folks on this list who've been here a long time and are
respected. They earned this respect over time. You chose to attempt to bully
them. I don't like it, especially since you continue to "intellectualize"
your behavior in an attempt to appear not only innocent but victumized.
Given your continued propensity for... crap, I don't believe your claim that
(much of) your past rude behavior was the result of someone "spoofing" you
by using your name as was claimed.

I hope this post is sufficiently simple for you to understand. I expect a
reply that wherein all (except you) see an example of who you are. You will
think it a scathing and witty reply for which all will admire you.

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