----- Original Message -----
From: CBWaters
Subject: Re: Magic my a**

> Describe how you load film please.
> > Thanks
> >
> > William Robb
> >
> Poke leader in between needles, hold with thumb while pulling
canister over
> to it's place, place canister in it's place and make sure the
holes in film
> are on the sprockets, close back, poke rewind knob back in,
advance film
> with lever, curse under breath (unless this is the second or
third time with
> this film, then curse loudly), try again.
> that about covers it.

That pretty much sums up what I do, except for the cursing. I've
never had a problem with the Majik Noodles.
A couple of details, that I do, without fail:
I advance the shutter and release it, to ensure the take-up is
I insert the film on the shutter side of the take-up spool about
4 sprockets worth of the leader, and I turn the take-up spool
with my thumb until the film is engaged over both sides of the
advance sprocket.
Then I put the film cassette into the camera.
Try that, and see if the Noodles don't work better for you.

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