
You sent this info to everyone on the PDML list!
I've deleted David's cr. card info, but be more careful next time!

keith whaley

* * * *

Brad Dobo wrote:
> Morning Minusha!
> Well, haven't seen you online at all.  I hope your Christmas part went
> well!!
> Ok, down to business.  May as well order the parts.
> Can you process the transaction immediately so I can pay my father the exact
> total?  An email invoice, fax (you'll have to set that up with me before
> hand, I can do faxes, but only one phone line and the computer has to be
> ready to answer), or by mail.  You will have your method, but if there are
> choices, an email I can store and print would be nice (and quick).
> >The pricing is as follows:
> >
> >CS-105 @ $100 - none in stock
> >GG-60 @ $50 - none in stock
> >Body Cap - Can send one at no charge
> >Rear Lens Cap - $11.45
> The billing infomation is:

= snipped =

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