Looking at the link below. It looks like that I will have to create CNAME entry for every IP in the /28 subnet, That is 16 CNAME entries? The nameserver that I am sending to will have to create a zone record called 224/

I am thinking do I have to define the rest of the IP addreses or will just simple defining that one /28 be enough? Will the rest of the IP addresses fall into the umbrella of the main NS definition in the zone record?

Imre Gergely wrote:

You mean delegating a subnet to another nameserver? This may help:


On 03/25/2010 05:53 PM, Athiqur Rahman wrote:

I have the following zone 79.73.217.in-addr.arpa with the NS set as my 2
name servers.

What i want to do is just forward reverse dns requests for to another name server. What would be the best way to
go about this?

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