On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 07:32:51AM +0200, Thomas Mieslinger wrote:
> we're using pdns recursor for out company internal name resolution.
> We have some strange setups to support that can't easily be removed.
> In some of our offical Zones are CNAMEs. The A records to these
> Names are in our internal Zones configured in forward.zones.
> Getting the A records works fine. But when looking up a CNAME, the
> answer only contains the CNAME. The recursor seems not to try to
> resolve the CNAME answer again. Maybe this is because the CNAME
> containing answer has the NXDOMAIN Bit set.

Can you elaborate a bit more? I think this issue is ""fixed"" in 3.3, which
contains a change that makes PowerDNS be a bit more lenient in understanding
CNAME chains containing SOA records that indicate a 'NO ERROR' response.

3.3-rc2 can be found on http://svn.powerdns.com/release-candidates/

The relevant item is:
Deal better with UltraDNS style CNAME redirects containing SOA records.
Spotted by Andy Fletcher from UKDedicated in ticket 303, fix in commit 1628.

Let me know if this solves your problem.

Kind regards,


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