
This is the first time posting to this board. If I am posting to the wrong 
list, sorry, and please advise where I should post this request for assistance.

We are setting up a new installation of pdns and recursor.

We have been running pdns for a couple years without issue. I am attempting to 
implement recursor and pdns to avoid a potential DOS attack and pass security 
compliance, which under the current version I am running will not pass.

Currently we have 3 servers running pdns 2.9.22 in a Centos 5.5 environment. 
Each with their own mysql slave db. Al l works great except for the DOS issue.

I setup a new testing server with pdns 2.9.21 and recursor 3.3 also a Centos 
5.5 box and I now pass security compliance, but am not getting the expected 
responses on DNS queries.

I setup recursor to respond on port 53 and pdns to respond on 5300.

recursor.conf entries
# forward-zones=

pdns.conf entries

If I query on a domain using dig I get the following error.  "dig 
mytestdomain.com  @ns5

; <<>> DiG 9.6.0-APPLE-P2 <<>> mytestdomain.com @ns5
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 18559
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0

; mytestdomain.com.                     IN      A

;; Query time: 6 msec
;; WHEN: Mon Dec 20 17:55:34 2010
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 28

logs output - 
Dec 20 17:43:25 xx pdns_recursor[9187]: [3] mytestdomain.com.: Resolved 
'mytestdomain.com.' NS ns5.mydomain. to: xx.xx.xx.xx
Dec 20 17:43:25 xx pdns_recursor[9187]: [3] mytestdomain.com.: Trying IP 
xx.xx.xx.xx:53, asking 'mytestdomain.com.|A'
Dec 20 17:43:25 xx pdns_recursor[9187]: 0 question answered from packet cache 
from xx.xx.xx.xx
Dec 20 17:43:25 xx pdns_recursor[9187]: [3] mytestdomain.com.: Got 0 answers 
from ns5.mydomain.net. (xx.xx.xx.xx), rcode=0, in 3ms
Dec 20 17:43:25 xx pdns_recursor[9187]: [3] mytestdomain.com.: determining 
status after receiving this packet
Dec 20 17:43:25 xx pdns_recursor[9187]: [3] mytestdomain.com.: status=noerror, 
other types may exist, but we are done 
Dec 20 17:43:25 xx pdns_recursor[9187]: [3] mytestdomain.com.: Starting 
additional processing
Dec 20 17:43:25 xx pdns_recursor[9187]: [3] mytestdomain.com.: Done with 
additional processing
Dec 20 17:43:25 xx pdns_recursor[9187]: 0 [3] answer to question 
'mytestdomain.com.|A': 0 answers, 0 additional, took 6 packets, 0 throttled, 0 
timeouts, 0 tcp connections, rcode=0
Dec 20 17:43:59 xx pdns_recursor[9187]: 1 question answered from packet cache 
from xx.xx.xx.xx

It looks as if it is trying the local dns server on 53, but it is not getting a 
reply.  Also I do not see any queries hitting the database.

If any additional information is needed, LMK

Any help would be appreciated.



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