On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 12:27:13AM +0100, Detlef Peeters wrote:
> On 27.01.2011 23:37, bert hubert wrote:
> > (the short version, there is a snapshot worth looking at, packages on
> > http://powerdnssec.org/downloads - documentation on http://powerdnssec.org )
> I have upgraded to the snapshot on a CentOS5 i386 machine from 2.9.22
> and have a problem to resolve external domains via PowerDNS-Recursor.
> I'm using the same configuration with PDNS 2.9.22 without problems.

I can confirm this issue, apologies. The new DNSSEC code does not do
Recursor handoff yet.

This area has typically been problematic in case of mixed answers (question
for a zone in PowerDNS, but it contains a CNAME to a zone not in PowerDNS,
for example).

DNSSEC is unlikely to ease this situation, but let's see what can be done.

> Have I to change something in the configuration?

You can always wonder if it is advantageous to run in mixed recursor/auth

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