On Sat, 29 Jan 2011 13:23:53 +0100, bert hubert wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 29, 2011 at 10:30:47AM +0100, Christof Meerwald wrote:
>> On Sat, 29 Jan 2011 00:38:12 +0100, Christof Meerwald wrote:
>> > That's really excellent news - I have just migrated my 2 nameservers
>> > to SVN revision 1928 and signed one of the zones (btw, the setup is:
>> > master using bind backend for the zone data and gsqlite3 for the key
>> > data - slave is using gsqlite3 and AXFR from master). Let's see what
>> > happens...
>> Hmm, I still don't understand DNSSEC well enough to really make some
>> sense of it all, but there are certainly some strange things here:
> Indeed.
>> The zone I am testing with is cmeerw.priv.at, master dns is
>> ns.cmeerw.net and slave is ns2.cmeerw.net (and trying to use nsec3).
> Ok, so the setup is that both ns and ns2 have all the keying materials, and
> ns serves a pre-signed zone over AXFR. 

I'll just concentrate on the setup for now, as it might be the cause
of the subsequent issues.

There is no keying material on ns2 - the zone is set up as SLAVE and I
have also done a "pdnssec set-presigned" and "pdnssec set-nsec3" on
ns2. So db just contains (in addition to records received via AXFR):

sqlite> select * from domains;
sqlite> select * from domainmetadata;
2|4|NSEC3PARAM|1 0 1 ab
sqlite> select * from cryptokeys;

ns.cmeerw.net reads the zone data for cmeerw.priv.at from the bind
backend and has the keying information in the db:

sqlite> select * from domains;
sqlite> select * from records where domain_id=9;
sqlite> select * from domainmetadata;
1|9|NSEC3PARAM|1 0 1 ab

pdnssec show-zone cmeerw.priv.at shows:
Zone has hashed NSEC3 semantics, configuration: 1 0 1 ab
Zone is not presigned
ID = 1 (KSK), tag = 43519, algo = 8, bits = 2048        Active: 1
KSK DNSKEY = cmeerw.priv.at IN DNSKEY 257 3 8 
DS = cmeerw.priv.at IN DS 43519 8 1 bb4eea726314bd78fe5f82dc93acba51bb4a26ca
DS = cmeerw.priv.at IN DS 43519 8 2 
Error: Request to create key object for unknown algorithm number 12



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