Preslav wrote:

> Nils, sorry about not confirming the packages at the very beginning. It was 
> installed as part of another product we bought some time ago and only when we 
> had to move servers recently did we realize that we are actually using 
> PowerDNS. As mentioned above I confirm that the package is version 2.9.21 by 
> running the command pdns_control version I think it was installed from a 
> binary image, but again I am not 100% sure on that either. BTW when I ran: 
> root@cu [~]# rpm -q pdns-server it gives me an error message:
> package pdns-server is not installed. And when I ran rpm -qa pdns-server it 
> did not return anything.

The rpm command can tell you to which package a file belongs (if any). For 

# which pdns_control
# rpm -qf /usr/bin/pdns_control

Or as a one-liner:

# rpm -qf `which pdns_control`

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