Hi Mike,

On 10/15/19 9:23 AM, Mike Cardwell wrote:
> I think you've spotted the problem. I was running:
> $ pdnsutil add-zone-key parsemail.org zsk 1024 active rsasha1
> Which was creating a new ZSK with an algorithm of 5, when the old KSK
> and ZSK were both algorithm 7 in the db.

Right, so because of the wrong algo you got the 2 sigs (1 for each
"algo"). As we "upgrade" algo 5 to 7 for NSEC3 zones.

> When I append "-nsec3-sha1" to the algorithm arg, it started working
> fine:
> $ pdnsutil add-zone-key parsemail.org zsk 1024 active rsasha1-nsec3-
> sha1

Wonderful to hear!

> Not sure if this was my mistake, or a bug in the program, or a
> combination, but FWIW, the reason I used "rsasha1" as my argument
> instead of "rsasha1-nsec3-sha1" was because I felt like that was what
> the help output was telling me to do:
> root@ned:~# pdnsutil add-zone-key help
> Oct 15 08:17:55 Reading random entropy from '/dev/urandom'
> Syntax: pdnsutil add-zone-key ZONE zsk|ksk [BITS] [active|inactive]
> [rsasha1|rsasha256|rsasha512|gost|ecdsa256|ecdsa384]

It is 3 things:
1. The help output is indeed missing algo 7
2. You then created a key with the wrong algo
3. Our upgrade codepath from algo 5 to 7 is missing things

I've discussed this issue with our product owner and we're planning to
remove the algo 5 to algo 7 upgrade functionality in an upcoming
version, where some tools will be available to fix the database.

In the meantime, I've fixed the help output of pdnsutil[1].

Best regards,


1 - https://github.com/PowerDNS/pdns/pull/8420

Pieter Lexis
PowerDNS.COM BV -- https://www.powerdns.com

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