
It seems like pdns auth servers are answering SERVFAIL queries when the
subdomain is malformed in the query. It is testable on powerdns.com domain
- which I assume is hosted on a pdns-auth backend.

Ex :
dig @pdns-public-ns2.powerdns.com. 1+1=2.powerdns.com will return SERVFAIL

dig @pdns-public-ns2.powerdns.com. testingthis.powerdns.com will return
NXDOMAIN as expected

I am not sure what is the correct answer here, but I'm only seeing this on
pdns-auth installations.  From the other authoritative nameservers I've
tested, every single one of them is answering NXDOMAIN ( isc.org /
knot-dns.cz / facebook.com / google.com / nlnetlabs...  ) in this case.

Best regards,

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