On 16/01/2022 09:41, Hamed Haghshenas via Pdns-users wrote:
I need the logs and should export domains to my analyzer platform .

There are more scalable ways of doing this.  The "standards-compliant" way is dnstap:


You'll need to install a separate dnstap collector to receive the messages.

Note that powerDNS has a dependency on the "fstrm" library:


If you have an older version of fstrm then you can only log to a local unix domain socket (which may be fine, it just means running your dnstap collector on the same host).  A newer version is required if you want to log to a remote host over TCP.

I don't know about versions in RHEL/CentOS, but Ubuntu 18.04 has libfstrm0 version 0.3.0, and that only does unix domain sockets.
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