On 11/26/22 20:33, William Edwards wrote:
Thomas Mieslinger via Pdns-users schreef op 2022-11-26 16:21:
10.6.11 is even worse than 10.6.10.

I've not had any problems before 10.6.11.
Are you saying that you have?

Yes. Tracked here https://jira.mariadb.org/browse/MDEV-29843

We went back to 10.6.10 because System Load went to 120+...

Did you debug this before downgrading?

No way. Opened https://jira.mariadb.org/browse/MDEV-29988

automated restarting MariaDB after coredump.

Are you saying that MariaDB is crashing for some reason? Or do you mean
it's terminated because of a lack of system resources?

With 48 cores and 512GB RAM there is no lack of system resources... All
instances together take "only" ~200GB RAM.

We run ~400 MariaDB slave instance. ~3 die per week.

If we could, we would go back to 10.5

You could, of course, dump your database and import it into a clean
10.5.x instance.

Nope. First we have to convince the DBA Team who run the master
instances we replicate to go back. Postponed until end Jan '23.

Lets see.



Am 26.11.22 um 14:45 schrieb William Edwards via Pdns-users:

Are people on this mailing list seeing increased CPU usage when using
MariaDB 10.6.11 with PowerDNS 4.5.4?


I use PowerDNS with the gmysql backend. Last Wednesday, I upgraded
MariaDB 10.6.10 to 10.6.11 on 8 machines running PowerDNS. Since then,
MySQL's average CPU usage has increased from 2,5% to 55%. This happens
on all upgraded machines. However, this issue does not occur on machines
running MariaDB 10.6.11 without PowerDNS. PowerDNS itself was not

I am aware that this issue is (most likely) not caused by PowerDNS. I am
therefore only wondering whether others have seen the same behaviour. If
so, that would save me some debugging time.

Thank you,

William Edwards

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