> After all, the maintenance branch is only for urgent bug fixes,

Slightly off-topic, but I have to take the opportunity:

Since "urgent" seems to be equal to "none at all" during the last 3 months (or 
so), I consider this "only urgent bug fixes"-constraint a bit problematic: All 
the "nice" fixes (e.g. code-completion) seem to happen in the 2.1-branch only, 
which is Eclipse 3.5 only, which I won't be able to use in a production 
So, a pretty-please to the devs: Since Eclipse 3.4 is the 
current/stable/production-ready release, please consider backporting not only 
the "urgent" fixes but at least also the "it's really ugly without them" ones.

Mark Kirchner
pdt-dev mailing list

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