2012/3/15 Scott R. Looney <scottrloo...@gmail.com>

> well, it looks like a fairly non-trivial thing to upgrade Plone/Zope, not
> something i'd want to attempt without a well defined plan and a very solid
> backup of the current setup. probably the best thing is to get some
> additional server space or a spare machine to practice on. from everything
> i've seen you have to migrate the DB from 2.X to 3.X, and then again from
> 3.X to 4.1. if the pdinfo's version of Plone has a lot of extra plugins or
> add-ons added the migration becomes even more protracted and difficult to
> manage.
> scott
I agree that the current state shall be duplicated somewhere (i guess it
could be possible on the same machine - usually question of changing a
database name or table prefix), then when the migration has been done and
checked, I think it doesn't have to be taken as a practice but could (be
moved back if it was on another machine and) take place of the old install.
Especially if there's some "manual" work to do. It would be nice to do it
on the same machine so we don't have to move, which is a potential source
for errors.

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