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Weapon of war -- killer of innocents
Like landmines, U.S. wants its cluster bombs

- Frida Berrigan
Sunday, January 7, 2007
San Francisco Chronicle

In one week in October, Germany suffered a series of bomb scares. Outside
Hannover, 22,000 people fled their homes when three bombs were discovered.
A few days later, a weapons-removal squad defused a 500-pound bomb near
the city's highway. Finally, a highway worker near Frankfurt was killed
when his cutting machine hit a buried bomb.

Terrorists hadn't planted the bombs. They weren't the opening salvo in the
next war. The culprit was unexploded ordnance left over from World War II.

The submunitions dispersed by cluster bombs are a lot smaller than 500
pounds, but their use in every major conflict in the last 60 years ensures
that bomb clearers the world over will have work for decades -- even
centuries -- to come. From Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, to the countries of
the former Yugoslavia, and onto Afghanistan, Iraq and Lebanon, modern
battlefields are littered with bombs that continue to kill long after wars
have ended.

Cluster bombs are not singled out for prohibition under international law,
despite the fact that they cannot distinguish between civilian and
combatant and their effects stretch beyond the duration of hostilities,
two crucial litmus tests for munitions use under the Geneva Conventions.
Ninety-eight percent of those killed or injured by cluster bombs are

In September, the Senate voted on an amendment by Sens. Dianne Feinstein,
D-Calif., and Patrick Leahy, D-Vt. The measure was attached to the defense
appropriations bill and bore the title "Protect civilian lives from
unexploded cluster munitions." Seventy senators voted it down.

A cluster munition consists of a large canister -- as long as 13 feet and
weighing up to 2,000 pounds -- packed with bomblets. Dropped from the air
by fighter planes, bombers or helicopters, or launched from artillery, the
canister is designed to break open in midair, spreading bomblets over a
football field-size area. The bomblets -- a single canister can hold
hundreds -- range in size from an AA battery to a soda can and are packed
with shrapnel and an explosive charge.

Militaries value cluster bombs because a single volley can impede
advancing troops and render airfields and surface-to-air missile sites
unusable. But the weapons seldom work as designed. Mine-removal teams,
post-conflict workers, military officials and even the manufacturers
themselves admit that wind, weather and soil conditions, as well as
mechanical malfunction or human error, can drive the "dud rate" for these
weapons as high as 40 percent.

Last fall, with global attention still focused on Israel's use of cluster
bombs in Lebanon, the call for a cluster bomb ban grew louder. Belgium
instituted a ban, Germany announced a suspension, and Australia and Norway
declared a moratorium. Sweden, Mexico, the Vatican and the International
Committee of the Red Cross took up the call. Meetings will begin in Norway
early this year to take the next steps toward negotiating a cluster bomb

The land mine ban is their model. The March 1999 treaty prohibits the
manufacture, trade and use of anti-personnel mines and obliges signing
countries to destroy stockpiles within four years and clear their
territory within 10 years. The United States is not among the 151 states
that have ratified the land mine ban, and the Bush administration's
February 2004 land mine policy reserves the right to use what it called
self-destructing mines through 2010. Israel, Burma, North Korea and 36
other countries also remain outside the international consensus banning
land mines.

While the United States has not ratified the land mine treaty, the
Pentagon is concerned about cluster weapons. In an October 2004 report to
Congress, the Department of Defense described cluster munitions as vital
and versatile, but military officials admit they are "keenly aware of and
interested in reducing our cluster munitions dud rates and improving the
accuracy of the delivery methods." Consequently, the Pentagon recently
adopted the Cohen policy, named after former Defense Secretary William
Cohen, which requires the military to purchase only cluster weapons that
have a 1 percent or smaller dud rate.

The Army, Marines and other military services are requesting hundreds of
millions of dollars for new cluster weapons and the retrofitting of
existing systems to conform to the Cohen policy. Weapons manufacturers
have adapted to the new policy, and their promotional material emphasizes
the "limited footprint" and "targetable" nature of their weapons. In vivid
military jargon, weapons manufacturer Textron describes the Clean
Lightweight Area Weapon as "the next generation smart soft target
munition." (For those not familiar with the lingo, a soft target is a
person.) The Rhode Island company boasts that a "single 64-pound munition
has the footprint and effectiveness of a 1,000-pound legacy cluster bomb."

The Cohen policy and the weapons it has spawned ensures that despite
whatever progress is made in Norway and at other international forums to
ban cluster bombs, the eight U.S. companies that produce cluster weapons,
including Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman, will continue to
manufacture the systems and the military will keep using them.

The United States may well be the largest producer, but it is not alone.
Human Rights Watch asserts that 33 other countries produce more than 210
types of cluster munitions.

As an indiscriminate weapon, a cluster bomb hides responsibility and
removes culpability. The big bomb releases the little bombs, killing a
soldier tomorrow, a farmer next month, or a child a year from now, and
creating a permanent state of terror where human activity is dangerous.

Recent experience in Lebanon, Iraq and elsewhere demonstrates the grave
and lasting consequences of cluster bombs. Weapons that indiscriminately
kill long after hostilities have abated are an anathema to international
law -- and human decency. It is time to ban them all. Feinstein and Leahy
will resubmit a version of their amendment in the 109th Congress. This
important first step demands resounding support. Otherwise, future
generations of bomb removers will have their work cut out for them, and
innocent civilians will continue to die.

Frida Berrigan is a senior research associate at the World Policy
Institute's Arms Trade Resource Center. A longer version of this piece
appeared in In These Times. Contact us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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