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Published on Tuesday, April 17, 2007 by The Independent/UK

Will This Terrible Day In Virginia Be Enough to Dent America’s Love Affair
With Guns?
by Rupert Cornwell

“A tragedy of monumental proportions” was how Charles Steger, the
president of Virginia Tech, described the slaughter at his university
yesterday, the worst campus mass shooting in US history. But whether it is
of sufficient proportion to dent America’s love affair with guns is quite
another matter. Similar disbelief followed other mass shootings in recent
years - from the 24 people gunned down in a fast-food restaurant in the
Texas town of Killeen in October 1991, to the Columbine school massacre in
Colorado in 1999, to the five little girls shot dead at an Amish school in
Pennsylvania in October last year. But the practical effect has been very

Gun control, along with abortion and same-sex marriage, has long been one
of the litmus test issues defining the debate in the US between liberals
and conservatives. Guns tend to be more common and more entrenched in the
culture of southern, central and mountain states, which tend to vote
Republican and where hunting is a popular sport. Gun crime is rife in big
cities on the east coast too, which are invariably Democratic, but gun
ownership among the general population is notably less common.

The gun lobby, led by the National Rifle Association, is one of the most
powerful in the US and gun owners are a constituency no one wants to
alienate. John Kerry, the thoroughly liberal Democratic presidential
nominee of 2004, was careful to have himself pictured on a duck hunt in
Ohio as that year’s campaign neared its climax.

Many of the Democrat gains in the 2006 midterm elections came thanks to
conservative candidates running in states traditionally dominated by
Republicans. Amusement, rather than shock, was the general reaction
earlier this year when an aide of Jim Webb, the shock Democratic victor in
the Virginia senate race last year, was arrested when he was caught taking
a gun owned by his boss into the US Capitol building.

“I believe that wherever you see laws that allow people to carry
[weapons], generally the violence goes down,” the strongly pro-gun Mr Webb
told reporters afterwards. To which the tens of millions of US gun owners
(by some calculations there are as many guns as people in the country)
would say, Amen.

The passionate feelings of the gun lobby may be traced to the second
amendment of the US Constitution, enshrining “the right of the people to
keep and bear arms”. Although the provision stems from the times when
“well regulated militias” were deemed necessary to protect against a
British attempt to regain the lost colonies, it is the default position of
any argument against greater gun control here.

As such, it has trumped every other consideration, not least the fact that
on any given day about 80 people are killed by firearms, the vast majority
by murder or suicide. Gun violence may cost $2.3bn (£1.2bn) each year in
medical expenses, but it is a price, gun supporters believe, that is worth
paying to protect a fundamental freedom.

Virginia’s gun laws are fairly typical for what has been (until recently)
a reliably Republican state, part of the old Confederacy. Non-Americans
may be amazed, but a state law of the 1990s limiting handgun purchases to
one per person per month was regarded as a step towards curbing Virginia’s
reputation as a source of easily acquired “illegal” weapons used for

There is no sign of attitudes hardening. Despite the opposition of every
police force in the land, Congress in 2004 allowed to lapse a 10-year
federal ban on semi-automatic assault weapons, a particular favourite of
violent criminals. The reaction was not exactly deafening. Even amid
yesterday’s shock, the initial calls were for stricter security measures
on campuses - not serious moves to reduce gun ownership.

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