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Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR)
Action Alert

USA Today's 'Sicko' Debate
Is Michael Moore wrong...or very wrong?


On June 28, USA Today's editorial page offered a "debate" on Michael
Moore's new film Sicko. But the paper "balanced" its own take critical of
Moore with a piece written by a representative of the private health
insurance industry.

Under the title "Today's Debate: Healthcare," readers saw the paper's view
under the headline "Flawed 'Sicko' Sparks Debate." The paper wrote that
Sicko "plays on emotions with anecdotes, stories and facts that aren't
always in context, up-to-date or accurate. So it has to be taken for what
it is: a provocateur's exposé of the worst of the American system, coupled
with an uncritical, even naive, review of his preferred alternative."

The paper went on to argue:

"Is a single-payer, government-run system the answer? That's what Moore is
pitching. Sicko applies rose-colored camera lenses to healthcare in
Canada, Britain, France and Cuba. None of these, particularly Cuba, is as
idyllic as portrayed. All require higher taxes to finance and are beset by

While acknowledging that the U.S. healthcare system had problems, USA
Today concluded by declaring that "Sicko doesn't have the answer."

The piece that followed--labeled "Opposing View"--could only be considered
the other side of a "debate" in the sense that it was more critical of
Moore. This was not a surprise, considering the author: Karen Ignagni,
president and CEO of America's Health Insurance Plans. Her argument
against Moore echoed USA Today's in some key aspects: "Moore wants a
government takeover," she wrote, and his film "relies on one-sided
anecdotes." Ignagni also wrote that "Moore advocates a total government
takeover of healthcare, sugarcoating what that would inevitably
mean--including rationed care, long waits for care, underpaid doctors and
delayed adoption of new technologies."

So USA Today's "debate" on healthcare policy went something like this:
Michael Moore's film is misleading, inaccurate and naive, and his solution
for healthcare problems is wrong; on the "other" side, Moore's work is
one-sided and his solution would make healthcare in the United States much

This restricted range of debate would seem to be in line with the paper's
reporting on Moore's film. On June 22, USA Today's Richard Wolf wrote that
"Sicko uses omission, exaggeration and cinematic sleight of hand to make
its points. In criticizing politicians, insurers and drug makers, it says
little about the high quality of U.S. care. In lauding Canada, Great
Britain, France and Cuba, it largely avoids mention of the long lines and
high taxes that accompany most government-run systems." The article closed
with Ignagni complaining that the industry's perspective was not included
in the film.

What's missing from USA Today's coverage, meanwhile, is a real sense of
how poorly U.S. healthcare fares compared with other countries. While the
editorial noted that the United States spends "more than any other
country" to achieve lackluster results in terms of longevity, it doesn't
point out that the U.S. spends twice as much or more on healthcare per
capita as the countries that the paper calls "beset by inefficiencies." As
for "higher taxes," a real rebuttal to USA Today's position might have
noted that the U.S. government spends about as much on healthcare as a
share of GDP as the Canadian, British and Cuban governments do, and
France's government spends only somewhat more--even as the U.S.'s private
spending on health dwarfs that of any developed country.

In its editorial, USA Today signaled a hope that Sicko "can stir a serious
debate about the nation's ailing healthcare system." That sounds like a
great idea--so why didn't the paper have one in its own pages?

ACTION: Contact USA Today and ask them why their June 28 healthcare
"debate" over Michael Moore's Sicko was so unbalanced.


USA Today

Brent Jones, Reader Editor

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