On 10/12/2017 3:51 AM, Shashi Singh wrote:
Dear Sir/Mam/Team

I am new Php developer and like php for web development so please solve the
quires as before as possible. Thanks

I am developing a software for the client who wants to be web based
application for serial port communication of there X device from com port.
like first we sselect the com port then send the request to that com port
then the device send the response to com port and i read that and retrive
to the browser.

I have one query about serial communication in php from lots of R&D we got
direct I/O function and download it
1. Os: Windows 10
2. xampp 7.1.9 php
4.php_dio_dll and add this to php.ini file

follow this link:

and start testing it cant load the dio package and there is no any support
found for this.
therefore i kindly requested to you please provide the support for the

Thanks & Regards

Not all PECL authors are active on this list. This is the general PECL mailing list. Your best bet is to contact the author of the extension directly.

PECL extensions are open source, so you can always look at the source code to see what it is attempting to do and how to call it from userland. If an author isn't maintaining an extension, you can formally request to take over development and someone on the PHP development team will take care of the details.

Note that you can pass in Windows reserved device names into existing userland functions such as fopen(). So if your device truly emulates serial communications, you might be able to access it with "COM1", "COM2", etc. as a filename.

An alternate solution might be to use a tool that routes a localhost TCP/IP server to the serial port. Then PHP can talk indirectly to the serial device over TCP/IP.

Thomas Hruska
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