On Di, 2018-07-03 at 16:25 +0300, Niko Granö wrote:
> Hello!
> Before submitting package for review I would like to ask one
> question. 
> Is http://www.php-cpp.com/ consider bad practice to use, or should we
> just write extensions without any frameworks? Is this kind extensions
> allowed where is used PHP-CPP framework? Any toughs about it?

In general php-cpp has some good ideas. (but I'm biased - iI prefer C++
over C any time) But I think there are two notable problems: (based on
probably outdated knowledge)

   1. I believe this can't be bundled easily, thus a user has to install
      it fist. But as it is an uncommon dependency the user has to install
      it manually not using apt/yum or similar.
   2. It doesn't use PHP's build system, thus `pecl install` won't work,
      thus it won't fit on current PECL (this might be doable with some

Secondly using such a library means that you are dependent on the
vendor on PHP API changes and less assistance from other PHP devs. In
the past PHP devs sometimes did mass edits over multiple/all extensions
on API changes ...

I have a small and tiny hope that we find people interested in fixing
those things from PHP side (new installer, an as stable as possible
extension API versioned independently from PHP, etc.) but those things
need some thought and quite a lot of manpower.
See i.e. https://externals.io/message/102415#102417

> I've been developing extension to add generics, typed lists, tuples
> and strucs. I would be really happy if you have any support for that
> idea.

Sounds interesting.


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