Hello, everybody, i’m a php developer comes from china. After developed the 
extension named “Xaop” i wan to show it to phper for better uses of the AOP 
programming. the project can be found in github:


Here are some introduce and some usage of the extension “Xaop”:

1: PHPDoc based aop:




  * @Aspect


class Swing



          *@api(type=JSON, charset=UTF-8)


public function good()


            return [ ‘name’ => ‘Xaop’, ‘version’ => ‘0.99’];




The xaop can parse the phpdoc and fetch the annotation of the doc, and do the 
aop job.

Xaop contains the internal annotation support, which were: @api  @disable  
@deprecated  @before  @after  @success  @failure  and the user-defined 
annotation(need to implements the interface: Xaop\Annotations)

2: The method injection aop:

Method injection aop support five aop mode:

1. before

use the function :Xaop::addBeforeAop() to do the job.

2. after

use Xaop::addAfterAop().

3. after_return

use Xaop::addAfterReturnAop().

4. after_throw

use Xaop::addAfterThrowAop().

5. around

use Xaop::AddAroundAop() to do the job.

Here are some example for using the Xaop extension:

1: for before|after aop

class Swing


    function __get() { echo ‘yes’;  }


Xaop::addBeforeAop(Swing::class, ‘__get*’, function(){

    echo ‘before swing::__get()’;


after doing the above job. when calling the __get function, it will first run 
the aop function and then the user-class function

so output was:

```before swing::__get() yes```

2. around aops:

class Swing


    function __get() { echo ‘yes’;  }


Xaop::addAroundAop(Swing::class, ‘__get*’, function($xaopExec){

echo ‘before’;

Xaop::exec($xaopExec);// This will run the metod context. currently means the 
Swing::__get() method

echo ‘after’;


so output was:






The around aop will catch the all process of the target method, you can 
determine where|when to run.

wish every one loves it. for this goal, i want to have a pecl account, please 
give me have a try. Thank you.

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