The new PECL package swoole-4.2.4 (stable) has been released at

Release notes
+ Refactor HTTP2 client, fix disconnection reconnection problem, fix cookie 
+ Added coroutine binding detection and friendly error prompts
+ Runtime stream hook adds error_text support
* Increase asynchronous redis callback function type detection
* Fixed http client unable to execute other requests after using the download 
* Fixed `swoole_http_response->detach` cross-function memory error
* Fixed coroutine PDO connection abnormal disconnection
* parameter parsing errors return FALSE (instead of null)
* Fixed `Exception` loss after coroutine switchover
* Fixed `task_max_request` does not work
* Optimize MySQL response packet integrity detection
* Fix coroutine flock deadlock problem
* Fixed the error that the underlying swoole_buffer did not release the object
* Fixed bugs caused by multiple `Content-Length` headers
* Enhanced zval type check, defensive programming
* Fixed the bug of the HTTP coroutine client setData using the object (stream), 
refactoring the properties parser of the HTTP coroutine
* openssl error cleanup optimization
* `co::fread` optimized for fseek and non-normal file reading
* swoole_server TCP and UDP mode separation
* Fixed the problem caused by passing invalid parameters when creating a server
* Fixed the bug by `addProcess` in BASE mode
* Fixed the problem that the task process uses `reload_async` (asynchronous 
safe restart feature)
* Improve `package_eof` illegal empty string check
- Remove code for deprecated multi-threaded mode

Package Info
Event-driven asynchronous and concurrent networking engine with high 
performance for PHP.
- event-driven
- asynchronous non-blocking
- multi-thread reactor
- multi-process worker
- multi-protocol
- millisecond timer
- async mysql client
- built-in http/websocket/http2 server
- async http/websocket client
- async redis client
- async task
- async read/write file system
- async dns lookup
- support IPv4/IPv6/UnixSocket/TCP/UDP
- support SSL/TLS encrypted transmission

Related Links
Package home:

shen zhe <> (developer)
Han Tianfeng <> (lead)

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