On 13.01.2022 at 20:19, Calvin Buckley wrote:

> I've been developing an extension for a while now to expose IBM i OS
> specific functionality to PHP. The common use cases involve codepage
> information (what codepage is this file/process/system in?) and calling
> native programs in the context of PHP (i.e. set the current PHP job's
> properties).
> The source is here: https://github.com/SeidenGroup/php-ibmi
> I'd be interested in getting it into PECL for visibility/transparency,
> though for platform-specific stuff like this, I wonder what the
> ettiquette there is, hence why I wanted to ask. (Especially since I
> assume most of the users will be consuming this through a binary
> distribution.)

I think it's perfectly fine to publish this on PECL, especially since
there is already an OS check in config.m4 (and there's no config.w32),
so users will notice early that they can't use this package on other
systems, even if they don't read the docs.


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