
Paul Sargent implemented Warth et al's left-recursion in Grako[2]. It has
been a problem because the algorithm cannot handle any sort of left
recursion, and that's what users of Grako expected.

I implemented a version  Medeiro et al's[3] algorithm in Grako. I don't
know what I did that for, because it should be easy to prove that an
algorithm that sets a bound to recursion will fail for certain grammars and

What disappoints me about the papers is that they don't characterize the
grammars for which the algorithms do work.

Not all left-recursive grammars are LR, and only LR grammars will parse
with LR algorithms.

Which set of grammars are PEG+Left_Recursion_Alg_X?

The need for left-associativity in expressions can be handled in several
different ways in a PEG parser, without trying to make a PEG parser parse
with left-recursive grammars.


[1]: http://www.vpri.org/pdf/tr2007002_packrat.pdf
[2]: https://bitbucket.org/apalala/grako
[3]: http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/docs/sblp2012.pdf

Juancarlo *Añez*
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