On Fri, Oct 1, 2021 at 3:53 PM goodman....@gmail.com <goodman....@gmail.com>

> I haven't thought deeply about working with tokenized input, but if tokens
> are the alphabet for the PEG then it seems to me there's a commitment to
> use what the lexer provides

Just wanted to pass on some feedback I received on a paper describing a PEG
parser that was able to optionally use a lex preprocessing step. It's worth
it to be aware of this:

Lexing changes the recognized language, and it is not possible (in the
general case, at least) to produce a lexer+parser combo that matches the
semantics of a pure lex-less parser for the same target language, because
of the limited backtracking behavior of a lex-less parser. In other words,
lexing is "greedy", in the sense that it has limited contextual information.
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