Hello fellow listers,

It's been a while I notice Peirce has some great nouns of his own pen,
frequently used in ironic contexts. For instance, besides pragmaticism, I
could mention projaculation in Evolutionary Love, or maybe the nychtemeron
in the article on God's Reality (tough this is not really Peirce's, it's
But I was wondering, and about adjectives? Do you notice preferred
adjectives in Peirce's vocabulary? He uses First, Second and Third as
adjectives, of course, but I mean real adjectives, or adjectival
expressions. Ironic or not. Maybe other preferred expressions, for
exclamations etc.?
I assume there has been previous discussion on Peirce's style&language in
the list, so excuse me if I am being tautological.  But I think the
recurrent expressions a writer uses reveal a lot, especially adjectives and
other seemingly unimportant idiomatic expressions. And it's always fun to
know what others regard as interesting in an admired writer's style.
So, apart from the more deep stuff, if anyone is willing to share their
preferred Peircean quotes, but in the sense above, I'm an interested
Best regards to everyone,
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