
A paper which might interest interest many here was recently posted to the
Academia site by Kalevi Kull.

What is the main challenge for contemporary semiotics?

Kalevi Kull, Ekaterina Velmezova

We present the answers of 38 influential semioticians of the world to the
question on the main challenge for contemporary semiotics, as they
formulated it in the autumn of 2014.

GR: Most of the responses are quite brief.The semioticians questioned are,
for the most part but not exclusively, European. Given Kull's primary field
of interest, many--but hardly all--are biosemioticians. As the authors
comment in their conclusion, the responses are quite varied and so
difficult to summarize even for this select group.



*​Gary Richmond*
*Philosophy and Critical Thinking*
*Communication Studies*
*LaGuardia College of the City University of New York*
*718 482-5690*
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