BODY { font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px;
}Stephen, list

        Yes -  I fully agree. These are all triadic processes, which means,
semiotics. That is, they are all interactions which include data from
the external world, which is processed by an individual agent's
'thinking' and results in an interpretation. Basic semiotics. And in
addition, they all show how the modalities of the three categories of
Firstness, Secondness and Thirdness, function in the 'real world'.

        However - although I concur with your attempt to broaden the scope
of discussion on this list but I doubt if it will 'take fire' so to
speak. We seem stuck in terminology. The thing about a terminology
discussion is that it is simple and easy to do; it doesn't take any
thought or analysis. All one does is scour The Texts of Peirce, and
extract the terms as used - and insist that 'he said this'. That's
not analysis or pragmatic use of Peirce; that's just textuality. 

        Now - the question for your examples would be whether using the
Peircean semiotic triad of input/mediation/output and the three
categories - does this enable us to both understand what is going on
in this real world - and take steps to deal with it? I happen to
think that it does. Very much so.

        I gave as an example last week of 'safe spaces in colleges' - which
isolate the inhabitants in almost pure Thirdness, immune to the hard
input realities of Secondness from Others and the diverse concepts of
Firstness. If we were to use semiosis in their analysis, we would see
that such artificial architectures are psychologically unhealthy. 

 On Fri 02/11/18  4:14 AM , "Stephen Jarosek"
 Has anyone else observed how so many scientific "studies" actually
relate to 
 I periodically stick my head into the Science-reddit forum for the
 science news, and often the studies that are cited are just
exercises in 
 semiotic analysis. They must think it's all in the genes or
something. They 
 need to be enlightened... we need to work harder to spread the
 message far and wide! Take for example, an arbitrary sample from
 *    Merely desiring to alter your personality is not enough, and
 backfire unless you take concrete action to change, suggests a new
 Failing to support one's goals with concrete action appears to
 leading to personality drift in the opposite direction to what was
 *    Study finds Massachusetts' public accommodations
nondiscrimination laws 
 that include gender identity do not affect the number or frequency
 criminal incidents in restrooms, locker rooms, or changing rooms. In

 addition, reports of privacy and safety violations in these places
 exceedingly rare. 
 *    'Heavy' multitasking may cramp your memory - A decade of data
 that heavy multitaskers have reduced memory, Stanford psychologist
 Although he also adds that it is still too soon to determine cause
 *    When deprived of food and smartphones, college students worked
 to get their phones back, finds a new study, providing evidence that

 smartphones can be more reinforcing than food for college students. 
 *    As small Iowa towns continue to lose population, a strong
 infrastructure - rather than economic or physical factors -
 whether residents report greater quality of life, according to new
 The above are all semiotics 1:001 [1] 

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