Dear Helmut,

I am sure I do not know what you are talking about.

With best wishes,
Jerry R

On Thu, Mar 14, 2019 at 7:15 PM Helmut Raulien <> wrote:

> Supplement: About the function of the cerebellum, apart from reading
> related scientific texts, I for complete replacement I recommend the song
> by the Ramones: "Cretin Hop".
> Dear Jerry, dear list,
> do you say, that the cerebellum rules? That is, what Heisenberg said, as I
> understood it. Naturalism unreflected, isnt it? Would I say, no, it´s not
> with me that way, I really am interested in sorting things out, in
> cooperation with others, regardless of the percentage my own role plays in
> the process, merely being interested in the result, would you call me a
> liar? Can I say, no, I am not, can I trust my cerebellum? I know that I
> can´t, because I know, that my cerebellum is telling me that I am right,
> and others are wrong. But: By being aware of this function of the
> cerebellum, can I take this knowledge into regard? I guess, it is hard.
> I dont know. Best, Helmut
>  14. März 2019 um 21:33 Uhr
>  "Jerry Rhee" <>*wrote:*
> Dear Helmut, list,
> You said:
> “What do we want.
> Do we want to keep the form of EGs as they are,
> then we outsource the question of reflection.”
> *“But it is such a beautiful experiment.”  *
> This is probably the strongest motive behind the applications of science;
> the scientist needs the confirmation from an impartial judge,
> from Nature herself, that he has understood her structure.
> And he wants to see the effect of his effort.
> From this attitude one can also easily understand the motives which
> determine the line of research for the individual scientist.
> Such a line of research is usually based on some theoretical ideas, on
> conjectures concerning the interpretation of the known phenomena or on
> hopes for finding new ones.
> *But which ideas are accepted?  *
> Experience teaches that it is usually not the consistency, the clarity of
> ideas, which makes them acceptable, but the hope that one can participate
> in their elaboration and verification.
> It is the wish for our own activity,
> the hope for results from our own efforts, which leads us on our way
> through science.
> This wish is stronger than our rational judgment about the merits of
> various theoretical ideas.
> ~ Heisenberg, *Tradition in Science*
> With best wishes,
> Jerry R
> PS:
> You said,
> “A think about a think makes the think fall in the sink.”
> haha!!  J
> on precise “inspectable” schema:
> *I have long ago come to be guided by this maxim: that as long as it is
> practically certain that we cannot directly, nor with much accuracy even
> indirectly, observe what passes in the consciousness of any other person,
> while it is far from certain that we can do so (and accurately record what
> [we] can even glimpse at best but very glibberly) even in the case of what
> shoots through our own minds, it is much safer to define all mental
> characters as far as possible in terms of their outward manifestations. ~ *
> Peirce
> On Thu, Mar 14, 2019 at 3:16 PM Helmut Raulien <> wrote:
>> Supplement: It is a question of outsourcing or insourcing. What do we
>> want. Do we want to keep the form of EGs as they are, then we outsource the
>> question of reflection. But do we want to have some more fun, or, eh, work?
>> Then why not insource the topic about reflection in some way. Peirce cannot.
>> List,
>> I think, that the "existential graphs" don´t have to do with existence in
>> the first place, that is with things that do exist, or phenomena of the
>> real world, but rather with semes(?) that origin in reflection, reflection
>> of reflection, and so on. Do they exist? Are they real? Are they phenomena?
>> I guess, every answer may be so constructed to give a "yes", and if the
>> phenomenon merely exists in one head. A thought-sign by the thinker to the
>> same thinker. It exists, ok, it is real, ok. But what do we gain from this
>> generalisation? Nothing. So I propose to more and better analyse
>> reflection, its nature, its different levels of representation, and so on.
>> Some years ago there was a hype and high flying hopes about research about
>> the brain and consciousness. Now there is nothing more of that left. I
>> guess, the reason is, that too much focus was directed on the technical
>> function of the brain, and not enough focus was directed on the nature of
>> reflection. Reflection is tricky. If you think that you are thinking, you
>> merely think that you are thinking, but in fact you think that you think
>> that you are thinking, and forget to think. A think about a think makes the
>> think fall in the sink. And with every "about" the time direction changes.
>> EGs dont cover that. They dont tell the reflectional level of a
>> proposition. Any proposition, no matter of what order, may be inserted. EGs
>> are about nothing but reflection (not about existence, contradictory to
>> their label), but do not show of which order the reflection is (reflection
>> about a natural process, reflection about this reflection, reflection about
>> this reflection...) Why not try to make them do? I can´t, too busy and too
>> stupid anyway, so your turn.
>> Best, Helmut
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