Jon, List,
I think, an aspect of the distinction between normative and descriptive sciences is, whether the scientist belongs to the object of inquiry or not. If he*she belongs to the object, he*she on one hand is influenced by it, and on the other hand influences it, has a responsibility for it. This responsibility makes the inquiry (which too influences) normative. With this view, logic is a normative science. On the other hand, logic may seem to be something clear and provable, like mathematics, not due to speculation and discussion, like ethics is. So one might claim it to be purely descriptive: It seemingly can be described with no doubts left. But I think, that, due to the fact that the observer is part of the logic-system, the more elaborate the inquiry gets, the more new questions arise, in the form of paradoxons out of self-reference. There is no clear rule or law, how to deal with paradoxons: Should they be avoided, tried to solve, or let unfold and be oserved? This is an ought-matter, so logic even has a connection with ethics.
07. November 2020 um 21:15 Uhr
 "Jon Awbrey" <>
Cf: Problems In Philosophy • 10

Re: Ontolog Forum
::: David Whitten

DW: Why does classical tradition or any tradition consider logic to be a normative science?

Dear David,

A science is called that because it deals in knowledge (Latin:
"scientia"). Knowing "what is the case" in a given domain of
experience may be distinguished from knowing "what ought to be"
in a given set of circumstances, and people who think in threes,
like Kant and Peirce and me, add knowing "what may be hoped" to
the mix.

In the quest to understand how science works a praxis/pragmatist
like myself gives the process, inquiry, equal billing with the
product, knowledge. People have gotten used to seeing sciences
as "bodies of ostensible knowledge" (BOOKs) and taking their
analysis as a matter of assigning them distinctive catalogue
numbers and sorting them to the indicated library shelves.
That is all well and good but it leaves an all too static
impression of science if we settle for that.

Here are capsule summaries on the "Sciences of Is" and
the "Sciences of Ought" from the Wikiversity articles
on Descriptive Science and Normative Science.

Descriptive Science

A "descriptive science", or a "special science", is a form of inquiry,
typically involving a community of inquiry and its accumulated body
of provisional knowledge, which seeks to discover what is true about
a recognized domain of phenomena.

Normative Science

A "normative science" is a form of inquiry, typically involving a community
of inquiry and its accumulated body of provisional knowledge, which seeks
to discover good ways of achieving recognized aims, ends, goals, objectives,
or purposes.

The three normative sciences, according to traditional conceptions in philosophy,
are aesthetics, ethics, and logic.


• Inquiry
( )

• Descriptive Science
( )

• Normative Science
( )

• Prospects for Inquiry Driven Systems
( )
• Logic, Ethics, Aesthetics
( )


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