And thanks for mentioning that, Gary R!


I don’t have a Kindle either, I read Kindle books using the free app on my 
laptop. This has several advantages over printed books (and manuscripts): 
e-books (either Kindle or PDF) are searchable, you can copy text from them for 
pasting into other texts, and you control the text size as well as the contrast 
between text and background (I prefer white text on black background). Kindle 
books also use clickable links to go from text to footnote and back.


Disclaimer: I do not represent Amazon and I get no compensation for posting 


Gary f

} Opposition always enflames the enthusiast, never converts him. [Schiller] {

 <> }{ living the time


From: Gary Richmond <> 
Sent: 29-Nov-20 08:00

Thanks, Gary f. 

For those of you who don't own a Kindle (I don't), while several models are 
also on sale at Amazon, you can read Kindle books on many devices by 
downloading the Kindle app. See this article for an overview:


Gary R

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