Gary F, List,

GF:  we agree that De Tienne’s reference to a
“transition out of
mathematics” in slide 25 can be confusing, and you
say that we can
avoid the confusion “by adopting the word 'diagram'
for ADT's slide
25.” ...  Do you mean substituting the word “diagram”
for some part of
slide 25?

Yes, but first I'll cite the
following quotation, which shows that
Peirce had a very broad idea of
what a diagram could be:

CSP:  an algebraist like Boole plainly
thought in algebraic symbols;
and so did I, until, at great pains, I
learned to think in diagrams,
which is a much superior method.  I am
convinced there is a far better
one, capable of wonders; but the
great cost of the apparatus forbids
my learning it.  It consists in
thinking in stereoscopic moving
pictures.  Of course one might
substitute the real objects moving in
solid space; and that might not
be so very unreasonably costly.
 (NEM 3:191, L231 1911)

This is the same MS in which he presented his 1911 EGs, and he is
already thinking of going beyond the two-dimensional versions to
stereoscopic moving images.  That would be an excellent
for phaneroscopy.  It would support a more complete
and more precise
mapping.  In the last sentence, he also talks about
"real objects
moving in solid space".

That would
support the full mapping from perception to 3D moving
diagrams to
action in and on the physical world.  In today's
terminology, Peirce
anticipated computational methods for virtual

we assume the option of generalizing EGs beyond two dimensions,
would be (a) mathematical, (b) visual, and (c) directly mappable
and from moving 3-D experiences and actions.  I presented a talk
along those lines at a Peirce session of an APA conference in April
2015.  In December 2015, I presented an updated version at a workshop
that Zalamea hosted in Bogota.  In 2018, the Journal of Applied
published an issue that contained papers based on those
Following are my slides from Bpgpta; slide 2 has the URL of
journal issue:

Following are the revisions I'd sugest for slide 25:

1. For
the first bullet item, replace the clause that begins with "we
cannot count..." with "the phenomenologist must map any
interpretation to a diagram that can help us figure out
what goes on
in experience.

2. Bullet item #2 is OK
as is.

3. For the third, replace the clause that begins
"how do we..." with
"how do we relate the initial
diagram to diarams or other
representations of the conditions
sustaining the cosmos, the world,

For these
three points, I tried to leave as much of ADT's words as I
while keeping the word 'diagram' and any mathematical
or reasoning that may require it..



ADT:  • Given mathematics'
unbounded search for formal necessities, we
cannot count on
mathematicians to help figure out what goes on in

• Yet we cannot ignore the natural urge that pushes the rest of us
figure out the all-too-real world that holds us under its
bondage.  We
want to sort out its laws, its structures, its
composition, its guises
and disguises.

• As a point of
method, however, given that mathematics is the “first”
stage of
research in the heuristic schema, how do we transition out of
it into
a concern no longer detached from but attached to the
sustaining the cosmos, the world, nature,  
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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