
Two significant reference volumes have recently been received and I await a 
Two of these volumes significantly illuminate the putative illations between 
propositional logic and model theory.
(I did not check if these books are on Ben’s list or not.)

Truth and Assertibility, Nik Weaver, 2015.

This well-written book is technical in nature and probably difficult for most 
lay readers. 
CSP’s logic are probably, in my opinion, Third order or Higher logic, depending 
on the taxonomy of the sin-signs.
This book clearly and crisply separates First order from Second order logic, 
materially beneficial to peruse.
One might say that this book is a fine example of Phaneroscopy of words, not 
merely old wine in new bottles. 

From Peirce to Skolem, Geraldine Brady, 2000.  

This book traces the historical developments of several logics and there 
intimately interconnected roots.
Many arguments trace the propositions directly from CSP’s and Mitchell's early 
papers to the papers by Lowenheim and Skolem upon which rests mathematical 
model theory and intuitionistic logic.
Very interestingly, this book was nurtured by a former student of Saunders Mac 
Lane, one of the founders of Mathematical Category Theory.
It answers, in detail, the questions concerning the propositional semi-lattices 
in relation to modern notions of identity (and hence the meanings of 
identifying signs (such as sin-signs.)

(Looking backward in time and epistemic understanding, I recall a two-hour 
conversation with Professor Mac Lane about the turn of the Century.  It was a 
turning point in my understanding of the mathematical foundations of natural 

Frankly, many a chuckle was generated as these texts de-fogged the illations 
between CSP’s text and the formal logic of the chemical sciences as it emergesd 
from Sir Rutherford’s numbers. 



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