
Formally defined existential graphs (EGs) and conceptual graphs (CGs) are 
precisely defined mathematical notations.  In fact, CGIF (Conceptual Graph 
Interchange Format) is defined as an ISO standard representation of Common 
Logic.   Therefore, any  or all notations of the Semantic Web can be expressed 
in terms of CGs.

Furthermore, Peirce's EGs are formally equivalent to the Core subset of Common 
Logic.  Therefore, anything specified in Common Logic can be mapped to a subset 
of CGIF, which I sometimes call EGIF.  But I now prefer a simpler notation 
called CLIP, which can be translated to and from EGIF or CGIF.

However, Peirce began to define an extended version of EGs, which he called 
Delta graphs.  Unfortunately, he had an accident for which the physician 
treated him with so much morphine that he was unable to do any serious work for 
six months.  After that he was dying from cancer.   But his various writings in 
the last few years of his life indicate what he planned to do with those 
extended graphs.  From the hints he wrote, I specified an extension I call 
Generalized EGs (GEGs).

These GEGs can include arbitrary images (even continuous images) as parts.  
Your examples could be represented as GEGs.  But the kinds of images they 
contain might include arbitrarily complex continuous fragments, which would 
require an uncountable amount of math to specify.

And thanks for the citation of the article:  Images, diagrams, and metaphors: 
Hypoicons in the context of Peirce’s sixty-six fold classification of signs* 
PRISCILA FARIAS and JOA˜ O QUEIROZ Images, diagrams, and metaphors: Hypoicons 
in the context of Peirce’s sixty-six fold classification of signs* PRISCILA 

I haven't had a chance to read it in detail, but it looks like something I 
should cite in my article.


From: "Alex Shkotin" <>

Hypoicons are impressive:


вс, 19 нояб. 2023 г. в 13:33, Alex Shkotin <>:

Thank you for the very useful description of Peirce's approach. But my question 
was about the diagrams you develop now. For me, a conceptual graph is a math 
object. And I think you are developing some extension of CG to get more 
modeling power.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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