List, Jon:

On Oct 6, 2011, at 12:44 AM, Jon Awbrey wrote:
> The etymology of "community" tells us that "munus" means duty, gift, or 
> service,
> so the original idea seems rooted in concepts of common duty and shared 
> service.
> Our notion of communication appears to be a derivative of that, referring
> to the sort of signaling we do in order to coordinate collaborative work.
> So it doesn't seem like a complete tautology to reconnect those two ideas.
> Jon

Human sacrifice? Pitched battles?

Jon, the web site you recommended appears to be remote from the origins of 
human communication, which most scientists relate to further emergence  from 
animal communication by anatomical developments coordinated with brain 

The use of symbols for human communication (clay tablets) dates to prior to 
3000 BC.

(BTW, beer and wine were also known to the Mesopotamians! - apparently 
essential components of emergence of society ; - )  )

The ostension of community, communion, communism, communication, all appear to 
be products of "common".  At least, that I how I see the terms as defined by 
the OED.

As for the website you referenced, I guess that it is a narrative useful for 
academic purposes of some sort or other. 



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