(I am resending this to the LIST since my REPLY button seems to have sent the 
message only to Auke´s private mail box)

Dear Auke,

Thanks for your questions and comments. I am happy this case study called your 
attention. My answers bellow:

I concentrate on the yellow range 13, 16 and 18 and 17 on the
row below.
1.       Why did you choose for ‘scare’
as the effect of the whistle?

VR:  I could have said "alertness" instead of scare. It is hard to find in the 
folk psychology appropriate terms to describe semeiotic effects. Notice that 
the yellow sequence you are talking about is not dealing with the familiar 
whistles (which are replicas of legisigns), but with an unexpected and strident 
sound not yet interpreted as a whistle (sinsigns). My point is that is not a 
case that a referee uses a strident sound or traffic lights use red color to 
call our attention. These qualities have an atavic meaning (expressed in my 
periodic table by the grounding classes, or the Fisher information collected by 
collateral experience) and been selected by evolution because they were linked 
to dramatic experiences in the past of our species. That´s why they are 
metaphores: at the botton, the strident sound puts us in a state of alert 
because they are connected to sounds of suffering and of predators. When we 
hear them, our reptilic brain reacts putting
 us in a state of alert.

2.       Are we dealing with a qualified
occurrence of the aspect ‘percussive’ Cf. p 162 in the Welby
correspondence? (The Hardwick edition)? 

VR: Close to it. Actually, the percussive aspect would be the orange sequence 
10, 11 and 12, which are not by case involved in the yellow sequence you 
pointed out. If you go again to classes 16-18, chose to open one of them and 
then click on the "see more" after the examples. You will be directed to a 
specific page describing in details the class you have chosen. Please see my 
Solenoid of Semeiosis scheme which describes the aspects involved in each of 
the classes of signs.

following depends on this kind of correspondences between your organization and
the Welby classification.]
3.       Box 17 states ‘jumping
away’. Do you mean that there is actually a lot of scared jumping away?
This makes interpretation a very cumbersome process.,

VR: Again, this might be related to language problems. What I wanted to stress 
is that there is a energetic dynamic effect which can, in some cases, produce a 
jumping away from the source (imagine you are crossing a street and suddenly 
hear a strident sound very near you. I would certainly jump away!)

Cf. If I walk on the street involved in
deep thinking and close by a whistle is blown, it may have the effect you
describe. But if I sit in the stadium eager for the moment the whistle is blown,
the effect is not scare, but eagerness for what is going to happen.

VR: Certainly, but in the first case you hear an unexpected strident sound; in 
the second a familiar whistle coming from a referee. The first is a sinsign, 
the second is a replica.

4.       Shouldn’t you make a
scheme for each role separately? The Sheet of assertion may abstract from
roles, but in actual cases of interpretation the state of the Sheet of
description (Andre De Tienne) and the state of the Semiotic Sheets are only
general up to the level of the small classification. For instance in the Welby 
accumulated experience is coming into play.

VR: If you go to the "see more" page after each class, you will see the 1903 
three correlates classification and the post-1905 10 aspects classification 
separarated BUT RELATED. Actually, this was possible only because I found out 
that there are 11 and not 10 aspects. Here is the page for the yellow number 16:


sum: what is the point of bringing in all sign classes in one example?

VR: My point is that semeiosis is a continuum and each class of sign both 
envolves and is envolved in others. That´s fundamental in both my periodic 
table and solenoid of semeiosis. I tried to defend this in a tutorial video 
about my system:  http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=i5pF9nDb7iE&vq=medium

a.       I can imagine that you need
all aspects of the small classification, since that part counts for any process
of interpretation, but as soon as you add to that the wider range of relations 
in the Welby classification, I expect that you must make a choice of one out of
all three aspects pertaining to the added relations. That is how experience
plays its modifying role.
b.      More specific: Why do you
deal with this matter in terms of sign classes and not in terms of sign
aspects? To use a metaphor, suppose a tree grows by digesting wood. A process of
interpretation is like the cambium of a tree at work, the classes are like the
wood produced.

VR:  Actually, I see the classes of my periodic table as snapshot of the 
ongoing process of semeiosis. It helps us classify and apply phenomena, but to 
understand the whole movement, you have to go to the solenoid of semeiosis, 
where the holomovement (to quote David Bohm) is actually happening.

Thanks again, Auke!
van Breemen
Van:C S Peirce discussion list
[mailto:PEIRCE-L@LISTSERV.IUPUI.EDU] Namens Vinícius Romanini
Verzonden: vrijdag 14 oktober 2011 15:24
Onderwerp: [peirce-l] How to start a soccer match using 66 classes of
For those
who enjoy soccer and semeiotic.
will host the 2014 World Cup and the initial game will be in São Paulo, where I
live, and hopely at the new soccer stadium being built by the team I cheer for,
I will
certainly be there for the first kick and invite all of you to come too. For
now, I took a holliday this week to muse how the starting moment of this first
match could be described semiotically.
To find
out the result go to the link bellow and click on each of the 66 little squares
of my Periodic Table of Classes of Signs. After a brief description of each
class of sign, I give examples applying the classes to analyse the semeiosis
involved in the whistle of the referee which starts the tournament.
The link:
All the
Romanini, Ph.D.
of Communication Studies
School of Communications and Arts
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
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