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Benjamin Udell wrote:
James, list,

Theology, Catholic or otherwise, is hardly my forte, and I find on first look into 
infallibilism (i.e., Wikipedia) that Catholic infallibilism is itself largely a 
theoretical idea, like you say, and the list of supposedly infallible statements is a 
matter of debate, but the Immaculate Conception and the Assumption of Mary seem widely 
agreed upon as examples. Papal infallibilism became official only in the 19th Century and 
could grow. Peirce would seem likely to take the long view even if he did not already on 
principle prefer to stick to his fallibilist (and therefore tychist and synechist) 
principles; his allowance for practical infallibility along the line of something like 
that which is called "moral certainty" seems as far as he could go.

I was barely acquainted with van Fraassen - a paper of his is among those linked at 
Arisbe. So this mornng I've been reading that paper "The 
False Hopes of Traditional Epistemology" Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 
Vol. LX, No. 2, March 2000.  Peirceans will find something to argue with in his views of 
scientific method, induction, and abduction (he seems not to glimpse a cenoscopic level 
logically between math and special sciences).  Also, FWIW in my semi-Peircean view, 
application of the distinction between _ordo essendi_ and _ordo cognoscendi_ would 
invert, along at least one axis, van Fraassen's epistemological landscape and abduction's 
place in it. On the other hand his view that values (and virtues) matter in the formation 
of scientific understanding and his anti-foundationalism suggest congeniality with 
Peirce. He has an engaging style and one feels that one can hear him talking, then
one wants to start talking too! More by van Fraassen is at , and there I found his synopsis of his book The Empirical 
Stance. There he sketches his argument that "empiricists need not embrace a secular 
orientation" and says that he attempts to provide a more positive content for other 

Best, Ben

----- Original Message ----- From: James Albrecht To: PEIRCE-L@LISTSERV.IUPUI.EDU Sent: Saturday, February 25, 2012 8:58 PM
Subject: Re: [peirce-l] A new dissertation on Walker Percy and Charles Peirce

Worth taking a look at Bas Van Fraasen's "The Empirical Stance" related to the 
progress of inference and the secular/religious outlook.  (Wikipedia says van fraasen is 
a catholic convert, which puts an interesting light on the work.)

Also seems worth pointing out that catholic "infallibilism" is a purely theoretical construct even in the context of catholic theology: no one can tell you with precision what the exact set of infallible teachings are, such that the practical reality of the idea has subsisted entirely in a historical conformation of the individual to a teaching tradition.
On Friday, February 24, 2012, Benjamin Udell <> wrote:
Stephen, Gary, Jon, Ken, list,

I don't know whether it supports Stephen Rose's point or not, but Peirce once said that 
he would embrace Roman Catholicism if it espoused _practical_ infallibility instead of 
_theoretical_ infallibility. See "C. S. Peirce an G. M. Searle: The Hoax of 
Infallibilism" by Jaime Nubiola, Cognitio IX/1 (2008), 73-84, at .

In at least one other writing (I forget which), Peirce said that fallibilism is 
about propositions about _experience_, or something much like that. I don't 
know whether that involves a variation in Peirce's viewpoint or merely of 
perspective and terminology.

More information on the dissertation:

"Walker Percy and the Magic of Naming: The Semeiotic Fabric of Life" by Karey 
L. Perkins
Dissertation information including abstract:
Even shorter link than Jon's* to the PDF:

*Competitiveness in link-shortening benefits the polis as a whole.

Best, Ben

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From: "Gary Richmond"


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