
Some may be interested in the following announcement of a Tool Interoperability Workshop to be held in conjunction with the 2006 ICCS conference at Aalborg University, Denmark.


Conceptual Structures Tool Interoperability Workshop (CS-TIW 2006)
In conjunction with the 14th International Conference on Conceptual Structures 
(ICCS 2006)

July 16, 2006, Aalborg University,Denmark

Call for Papers

Many tools have been developed in the conceptual structures community to model, represent and reason about conceptual structures like Conceptual Graphs, Formal Concepts, and related formalisms. However, such tools in isolation are not sufficient to build comprehensive, effective knowledge systems useful to communities and organizations. To this purpose, these tools need to be able to interoperate with other conceptual tools and information technologies. The goal of this workshop is to explore how to improve this interoperability of conceptual structures tools.
* Themes

To explore this goal, the workshop will have three main themes:

•       Interoperability Requirements

What types of applications do conceptual structures tools have in real world 
knowledge systems and systems development methodologies? What requirements do 
these applications impose on conceptual structures tools? What breakdowns occur 
in actual application practice? What (ad hoc or more systematic) solutions have 
been developed to deal with these problems?

•       Knowledge Systems Architectures

What components do effective knowledge systems have? What is the role of conceptual structures tools in these systems? How to conceptualize knowledge systems interoperability in terms of standard information systems and software engineering methodologies? What architectural principles should guide knowledge systems design and implementation?
•       Interoperability Standards

What are the most relevant official and de facto standards affecting conceptual structures tools interoperability? How should these standards inform knowledge systems design? How to evaluate the standards in practical knowledge system implementation? How can practical interoperability experiences inform the standards setting process?
* Topics

Topics to be addressed in the submissions, include, but are not limited to:

•       Interoperability conceptualization
•       Requirements analysis
•       Software integration and configuration
•       Tool interfaces
•       Web services
•       Architectures
•       Converters and wrappers
•       Documentation
•       Software engineering principles
•       Open source methodologies
•       Standards (official and de facto)
•       Usability
•       Evaluation methods
•       Benchmarking
•       Organizational issues (including intellectual   property rights)

* Submission Details

Both contributions with a theoretical and a practical focus welcome. Papers are limited to 14 pages in Springer's LNCS format. For more details see
See for the submission procedure. In 
case you have any problems with the submission, or for any other questions, 
please contact the workshop chairs at  [EMAIL PROTECTED], or through their 
individual e-mail addresses.

Papers will be reviewed for adherence to the workshop scope and quality by the 
chairs and additional reviewers. Accepted papers will be published in a 
separate ISBN-numbered proceedings by Aalborg University Press. If accepted, 
the paper must be presented at the workshop.

In addition to the papers, a CD with tools, data, documentation and other 
relevant material will be made available. Authors are encouraged to provide 
such material with their accepted submissions.

* Dates

•       Paper submission deadline:      Sunday, April 9, 2006
•       Acceptance notification:        Wednesday, May 10, 2006
•       Paper final version due:        Sunday, May 28, 2006
•       Additional CD materials due:    Sunday, June 25, 2006
•       Workshop:                       Sunday, July 16, 2006

* Program Chairs

•       Aldo de Moor, STARLab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium ([EMAIL 
•       Simon Polovina, Sheffield Hallam University, UK ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
•       Harry Delugach, University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA ([EMAIL 

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