
You wrote that: 
 Grace thinks it is quite amusing that so many "smart grown-ups are worried about nothing..."  (I think when she says worried she means fascinated)
"From the mouths of babes. . ." Sometimes I worry  too that grown-ups are "fascinated about nothing" by which I mean that they haven't necessarily got their values straight and so worry about the wrong things (such as keeping up with the Joneses, defending their egos, being "entertained," grabbing as much stuff as they can because "the guy who has the most stuff when he dies wins the game,' etc.) Of course when people prioritize such "nothings" then they've limited the time and energy that might be deployed for the development of "somethings," that is, some things of value, raising children properly, contributing to more Truth and Justice occurring in the world, promoting truly independent inquiry and journalism, promoting peace in the world (a point Maya Angelou stressed in her remarks at Coretta Scott King's funeral), etc., etc.
We will be following with inthusiasm the forum and finding applicable writings where we can.
We'll be looking forward to hearing from you (and Grace) as well. In your initial message to the forum you wrote of "posting in my own non-acedemic style" which suggests a refreshing aspect of this forum. One of the things that make it such a vibrant list, something that many have commented on over the years,  is its wholly democratic nature such that all manner of folk read and post to the list,  sharing only an interest in the philosophy of Peirce. While folk on the list can be quite appropriately critical of other's ideas here, there's not much inappropriate judging of others, their styles, etc. so that when it does occur there's usually a quick reaction against it and defending the person attacked. So I hope you'll feel very free posting in any style you feel comfortable with.
Hoping you own a sled dog or two...
Yesterday I went to a concert at The Town Hall near Times Square in Manhattan. While because of the blizzard there wasn't much vehicular traffic--including very few dog sleds as far as I could tell--it seemed that all of New York was out of doors on foot to enjoy the snow storm--the mood was definitely elevated. The friend I was to have attended the concert couldn't make it in from Brooklyn (another New York borough) because of the weather, and when I got to Town Hall I, along with a somewhat unexpectedly large audience, learned that the scheduled performers were stranded somewhere outside of Philly. But some young New York musicians stood in at the last minute to give what was certainly one of the most delightful musical performances I've attended in many years.

Send my best wishes to Grace.

Gary R

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