May 19, 2001 /New York TIMES
If Richer Isn't Happier, What Is?
One of the most often-repeated parts of the [U.S.] Declaration of 
Independence may also be one of the least influential. People march in 
Washington protesting various assaults against the first two unalienable 
rights, life and liberty. The third, however, rarely merits mention beyond 
the simple recitation of the Declaration's most famous sentence.

Instead, the pursuit of happiness is left to the free market. Americans are 
typically responsible for their own emotional well-being, and, according to 
economic theory at least, there has never been much mystery about how to 
achieve it. Textbooks call this well-being "utility," and they say it rises 
alongside a person's wealth. "If there is a more fundamental idea in 
economics, I'm not sure what it would be," said Andrew J. Oswald, who 
teaches the subject at the University of Warwick in England.

There is a fundamental problem with the idea, however. Over the last 
half-century, the United States has become a far richer country, with 
ordinary people able to afford items — a second car, a transcontinental 
plane ticket, a machine to show movies at home — that only the wealthy 
owned before World War II. On average, people today can buy better food, 
better health care and seemingly a better life.

Yet the nation as a whole describes itself as no happier. In fact, over the 
last 30 years, Americans have become somewhat less satisfied with their 
lives, according to an array of surveys. The obvious conclusion is that an 
everyday cliché may in fact have a more accurate take on modern life than 
Economics 101: money really cannot buy happiness.

That hardly passes for credible social science, though. And so a growing 
group of economists are now shedding the profession's traditional 
skepticism about personal interviews and are scouring survey data in an 
effort to explain the contradiction. In doing so, they have rejected their 
discipline's circular view of happiness, that people choose to do what 
makes them happy and what makes them happy is what they choose to do. Thus, 
asking them whether they are happy is unnecessary.

The happiness researchers are joining psychologists and sociologists who 
have been studying the issue for years. Last fall, for example, the Woodrow 
Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton opened a 
Center for Health and Well- Being. Nearly half of the professors associated 
with the center, including its director, are economists.

One of the field's most intriguing early conclusions holds that money does 
indeed make people happier but that it is less potent than imagined. When 
people inherit a large sum of money, for instance, they become more 
satisfied with their lives, according to recent research. But over the last 
60 years, and particularly the last 30, a powerful set of social forces has 
outweighed the effect that rising incomes have had on people's well- being. 
People work more hours, lose their jobs more often and, most importantly, 
get married less and divorced more than they did in the past.

All that helps explain why the average American family could have received 
a 16 percent raise between 1970 and 1999, while the percentage of people 
who described themselves as "very happy" fell from 36 percent to 29 
percent. "Money does buy happiness," said David G. Blanchflower, an 
economist at Dartmouth, who with Mr.. Oswald has studied well- being in 
England and the United States. "It just hasn't bought enough."

Statisticians call this Simpson's paradox. In England, for example, married 
people are as a group happier than they were three decades ago. Unmarried 
people are, too. But because the ranks of the unmarried have grown and 
because unmarried people are not as satisfied as married people, overall 
happiness has still declined.

for more, see:

I wonder: can "happiness" be described as a scalar number? or it a vector?


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