Duh, I dunno. I ain't taken no vow of no silence, but I dunno. Guess I've 
been watching too much Beavis and Butt-head. 

Call Larry Lindsay at the Fed!


Doug Henwood [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Left Business Observer
212-874-4020 (voice)
212-874-3137 (fax)

On Thu, 27 Oct 1994 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Come on now!!  I can't believe nobody on this network knows in which cases
> credit scoring is legal, and in which it is not.  So, a repeat of my early
> request.  If I don't get any responses this time, I'll give up!  (Doug Henwood,
> have you vowed silence again??)
>   The issue of credit scoring came up in my money and banking class.  The eight
> textbooks I have on my shelf disaggree on the topic.  Several say that the
> practice in equivalent to statistical discrimination and is illegal.  Others,
> say that it only "looks" like statistical discrimination and is still a legal
> practice.  Does anyone know for certain which is right?  If it IS still legal,
> it creates a major barrier to women in the credit markets, which definitely
> tips the "playing field" against women and women owned businesses.
>   If it is illegal, does anyone know which section of the Justice dept handles
> these cases.  Also, if it is illegal, does anyone know why auto dealers still
> use credit scoring as their primary determenent in making car loans?  Do they
> have some sort of exemption?
> Doug Orr

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