FYI. - Doug Henwood

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
The following are comments of the president of the ETS on misinterpretation
and abuse of data sets by the authors of Bell Curve:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Subject: Re: IQ, genetics, and statistics

It is interesting that "The Bell Curve" has resulted in a discussion
on IQ, when most of its conclusions are not based on IQ.  The
following is a quote from a response by Nancy Cole, president of ETS.

"In [the Bell Curve] and in the publicity about it, data from some of
ETS's own tests are misused to promote a position about inherited
racial inferiority that is scientifically invalid and which is
personally abhorrent to me.  As president of ETS, I am particularly
disturbed that the authors treat the SAT as if it were an IQ test,
which it is clearly not, and then use the results as if they provided
proof on inherited intelligence, which is by any standard bad
science."  "ETS ACCESS," Vol. 5, No. 9, October 27, 1994.

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