>Date: Fri, 3 Mar 1995 07:19:58 -0800
>Originator: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Precedence: bulk
>From: "Shabbir J. Safdar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (by way of [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> K.))
>Subject: cr-3/3> VTW Coalition re: S.314
>X-Comment:  Moore's CPSR Cyber Rights Email List
>Date: Tue, 28 Feb 1995 17:56:49 -0800
>Sender: "Shabbir J. Safdar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: ACTION: Contact Senate on Exon bill
>                     DO NOT REDISTRIBUTE AFTER MAY 1, 1995
>                                Feb. 22, 1995
>      Distributed by the Voters Telecommunications Watch ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>[In order to use the net more effectively, the following organizations have
> joined forces on a single Congressional net campaign to stop the
> Communications Decency Act, S. 314 (in alphabetical order):
>        the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU),
>        the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT),
>        the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF),
>        the Electronic Frontier Foundation-Austin (EFF-Austin),
>        (Note that EFF-Austin is not a chapter of the DC-based EFF)
>        the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC),
>        the Hands Off! the Net petition drive,
>        the People for the American Way,
>        the Society for Electronic Access (SEA), and
>        the Voters Telecommunications Watch (VTW)
> These organizations are using the Voters Telecommunications Watch (VTW)
> as a conduit for legislative feedback.  When you contact Congress about the
> Communications Decency Act and send your feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED], that
> information is being fed back to all participating organizations.
> If your organization would like to signon to this campaign and receive
> legislative feedback, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -Shabbir]
>        Introduction
>        What you can do
>        Contact Information
>        Background
>        Current status of S. 314
>        Where can I learn more about the bill? (URL included)
>        Where will I learn about updates to this alert?
>        Current list of participating organizations
>Dear Net Citizens:
>Legislation has been introduced before the Senate which would severely
>restrict your freedom of speech, halt the free flow of information on
>the net, and require all telecommunications carriers to censor your
>public and private communications.
>The "Communications Decency Act of 1995" (S. 314), introduced in early
>February by Senators Exon (D-NE) and Gorton (R-WA), would place
>substantial criminal liability on telecommunications carriers (including
>traditional telephone networks, Internet service providers, commercial
>online services such as America Online and Compuserve, and independent
>BBS's) whenever their networks are used to transmit any material
>which is deemed indecent or harassing.  In order to avoid these penalties,
>carriers would be forced to restrict the activities of their subscribers
>and censor all public and private communications.
>We must act quickly to stop the progress of S. 314.  The bill may soon
>be incorporated into Senate telecommunications reform legislation, which
>is currently being drafted by the Senate Commerce Committee.  The
>telecommunications reform bill may be introduced as early as mid March,
>and is expected to be considered on a fast track.  If S. 314 is included
>in this bill, it will be extremely difficult to change or remove and
>could pass quickly.
>We are asking you to join us in urging key members of the Senate to
>prevent S. 314 from being included in Senate telecommunications reform
>measures and to hold open, public hearings on the issue.
>1. Contact Sen. Larry Pressler (R-SD, Commerce Committee Chairman),
>   Sen. Bob Packwood (R-OR) and Sen. Ernest Hollings (D-SC, ranking
>   member) and urge them to keep S.314 from being incorporated into
>   telecommunications reform legislation.  You'll find their addresses,
>   phone numbers, and fax numbers below.
>   Also, if you live in:
>   you should also contact your own Senator from the Commerce committee.
>   Remember, the best and most effective means of influencing a member of
>   Congress is to write a letter in your own words.
>2. Write/Fax/Email them a letter or make a phone call.  Try to mention
>   as as many of the points below (marked with a *) as you can fit
>   politely into communication.
>3. DON'T FORGET TO DROP A NOTE TO [EMAIL PROTECTED] to tell us who you contacted.
>   We'll tally the results and feed them back to all participating
>   organizations.  It's crucial we have this feedback, even if you just
>   got a form letter, or a "thank you" to your phone call.
>4. Feel good about yourself.  You've just participated in democracy
>   without leaving your seat.
>5. (Extra bonus activism) Reproduce this alert with the expiration date
>   and contact information intact to other non-Usenet places.  Fax it
>   to your friends, post a copy to your local bulletin board.  Please don't
>   spam it to places like rec.pets.cats, but place it in places where people
>   who don't read a lot of Usenet might see it.  Non-net connected BBSs are
>   great, as are physical bulletin boards.  Please don't post it to email
>   lists or newsgroups not related to politics, as this will annoy people.
>   Most especially, try to reach people in the larger online services,
>   such as America OnLine and Compuserve and the large PC networks, such
>   as Fidonet.
>When writing a letter or making a phone call, try to include the following
>points in your message:
>*       S. 314 must not be incorporated into the Senate telecommunications
>        reform bill.
>*       The bill would force communications service providers to limit or
>        remove my access to file archives, discussion forums, and
>        electronic mail.
>*       S. 314 would dramatically restrict the free flow of information
>        through out the online world and limit the free speech and privacy
>        rights of individual users.
>*       Placing criminal liability on communications service providers
>        will force providers to censor the activities of their
>        subscribers.
>*       As a user of interactive communications technologies, I am capable
>        of deciding for myself and for my children what content I wish to
>        receive.  The government should not be involved in deciding what
>        kinds of content I may access.
>*       Public hearings must be held to consider possible technological
>        means and policy alternatives to government content restrictions
>        in interactive media.
>Here are the Commerce committee members.  Please contact Sen. Larry
>Pressler (the Committee Chairman) and Sen. Ernest Hollings at a minimum.
>If you see your state listed below, contact your own senator as well.
>All addresses are Washington, D.C. 20510
>      P ST Name and Address           Phone           Fax
>      = == ========================   ==============  ==============
>      R SD Pressler, Larry            1-202-224-5842  1-202-224-1259*
>            243 RSOB                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>            *Note this is the Commerce Committee's fax number
>      D SC Hollings, Ernest F.        1-202-224-6121  1-202-224-4293
>            125 RSOB
>      R OR Packwood, Robert           1-202-224-5244  1-202-228-3576
>            259 RSOB
>      D HI Inouye, Daniel K.          1-202-224-3934  1-202-224-6747
>            722 HSOB
>      R AK Stevens, Ted               1-202-224-3004  1-202-224-1044
>            522 HSOB
>      D KY Ford, Wendell H.           1-202-224-4343  1-202-224-0046
>            173A RSOB                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      R AZ McCain, John               1-202-224-2235  1-202-228-2862
>            111 RSOB
>      D NE Exon, J. J.                1-202-224-4224  1-202-224-5213
>            528 HSOB
>      R MT Burns, Conrad R.           1-202-224-2644  1-202-224-8594
>            183 DSOB
>      D WV Rockefeller, John D.       1-202-224-6472  1-202-224-1689
>            109 HSOB
>      R WA Gorton, Slade              1-202-224-3441  1-202-224-9393
>            730 HSOB                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      D MA Kerry, John F.             1-202-224-2742  1-202-224-8525
>            421 RSOB
>      R MS Lott, Trent                1-202-224-6253  1-202-224-2262
>            487 RSOB
>      D LA Breaux, John B.            1-202-224-4623  1-202-224-2435
>            516 HSOB
>      R TX Hutchison, Kay Bailey      1-202-224-5922  1-202-224-0776
>            703 HSOB                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      D NV Bryan, Richard H.          1-202-224-6244  1-202-224-1867
>            364 RSOB
>      R ME Snowe, Olympia             1-202-224-5344  1-202-224-6853
>            176 RSOB
>      D ND Dorgan, Byron L.           1-202-224-2551  1-202-224-1193
>            713 HSOB
>      R MO Ashcroft, John             1-202-224-6154  1-202-224-7615
>            170 RSOB
>The bill was introduced on February 1, 1995 by Senators Exon (D-NE) and
>Gorton (R-WA).  It is currently pending before the Senate Commerce
>Committee (chaired by Senator Pressler (R-SD)).
>No committee action has been scheduled as of February 21, 1995.
>It may be included in the Senate telecommunications reform legislation,
>expected to be introduced by mid-March.
>S. 314 would expand current law restricting indecency and harassment on
>telephone services to all telecommunications providers and expand
>criminal liability to all content carried by all forms of
>telecommunications networks.  The bill would amend Section 223 of the
>Communications Act (47 U.S.C. 223), which requires carriers to take
>steps to prevent minors from gaining access to indecent audiotext and
>criminalizes harassment accomplished over interstate telephone lines.
>If enacted, S. 314 would compel service providers to severely restrict
>your online activities.  Your access to email, discussion lists, usenet,
>the world wide web, gopher, and ftp archives would be substantially
>reduced or cut off entirely. The bill would also force providers to
>closely monitor and pre-screen your electronic mail, and refuse to
>transmit any message or other content which may be considered to be
>This bill poses a significant threat to freedom of speech and the free
>flow of information in cyberspace. The bill also raises fundamental
>questions about the right of government to control content on
>communications networks, as well as the locus of liability for content
>carried in these new communications media.
>The Voters Telecommunications Watch has set up a gopher page where
>you can get a copy of the bill (including analyses by the American
>Civil Liberties Union, the Center for Democracy and Technology, the
>Electronic Messaging Association, and others).  Here's the URL:
>        WWW URL: gopher://gopher.panix.com/11/vtw/exon
>        Gopher command : gopher -p 1/vtw/exon gopher.panix.com
>If you have difficulty getting to this gopher page, or if you don't
>have access to Mosaic/gopher, drop a note to:
>We will post updates to this alert in three places:
>        -On the account [EMAIL PROTECTED] (finger [EMAIL PROTECTED])
>        -On Usenet (comp.org.eff.talk, comp.org.cpsr.talk, and alt.privacy)
>        -Through our announcements mailing list, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>        To subscribe, simply send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the
>        following in the message body:
>                subscribe vtw-announce Firstname Lastname
>At this time, the following organizations have signed onto this
>campaign and are receiving the legislative feedback that VTW is compiling:
> American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT), [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Electronic Frontier Foundation-Austin (EFF-Austin), [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> (Note that EFF-Austin is not a chapter of the DC-based EFF)
> Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Hands Off! the Net petition drive, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> People for the American Way
> Society for Electronic Access (SEA), [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Voters Telecommunications Watch (VTW), [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Note that the Voters Telecommunications Watch does not speak for these
>organizations.  Any opinions contained herein are those of the author,
>and not necessarily endorsed by participating organizations.

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