On Mon, 6 Mar 1995 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi, I have a student who wants to know more about the proposed policy
> to require teenage mothers on welfare to live with parents on in
> group homes.  Can anyone suggest some readings.  Thanks, Tony
> Laramie

First of all, I would recommend that you have your student call her/his
Congressmember's Office and start asking for material.  In mid February,
the "Subcommittee on Human Resources" of the House Ways and Means Committee
was marking-up a welfare reform bill.  I can help your student identify
some possible congressional contacts if they don't already know.  I believe
that "an omnibus" welfare reform bill is due on the House Floor, with final
passage scheduled for 3/14 (assuming that the schedule hasn't slipped too
much). Suggest that your student get in touch with any local organizations
working to fight the proposed cuts.  (If your student doesn't have any
idea how to ID such groups, I suggest starting with the local legal aid
office for ideas.)

Secondly, the Center for Law and Social Policy has been sponsoring audio
conferences on the subject, and your student may be able to plug into an
existing participant in their community.  If there's no existing local
group participating in the conferences, contact Rafaela Diaz at CLASP at
(202)328-5129 to register. CLASP holds the briefings every Tuesday, from
12:45 to 1:30 Eastern time.

Lastly, and if your student cant get connected with local groups working
on the issues, have them call the following organizations for background

National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty (202)638-2535
Children's Defense Fund  David Kass/ Deborah Weinstein 202/662-3556
Center for Law and Social Policy (202)328-5129
Center for Community Change (202)342-0567  Deepak Bhargava
National Coalition for the Homeless (202)775-1322

Dana Wise
National Low Income Housing Coalition/Low Income Housing Information Service
1012 14th St, NW, #1200 Washington, DC, 20005; (202)662-1530 fax:(202)393-1973

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