At 1:41 PM 5/25/95, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>Hate the Congress's welfare "reform" package (a.k.a. the Personal
>Responsibility Act)?  Well, now there's something you can do about it.
>The Media Campaign for Fairness on Welfare is trying to run a signature (I
>think)  ad in the Sunday New York Times early in June urging Clinton to
>veto the Personal Responsibility Act.  Your support, financial, moral and
>otherwise, is needed.

Today's NY Times reports that Clinton is unlikely to defend the entitlement
aspect of AFDC, and that's too much for even Moynihan.



Doug Henwood
Left Business Observer
250 W 85 St
New York NY 10024-3217
+1-212-874-4020 voice
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