Treacy: Some behaviors are "hardwired" because they confer survival 
        advantages on a species.  E.O. Wilson notes that social species 
        such as bees, ants, and mankind engage in cooperative behavior 
        because it helps the species survive.

        Social questions may raise social policy issues but if they do not
        recognize that some behavior is instinctual and therefore not 
        suscepible to quick modification.

On Mon, 4 Sep 1995 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> J. Treacy wrote:
>         It may well be that this 
> >     male concern is part of our genetic makeup. [snip]
> >     Which bird slips its eggs into the nest of other birds for them 
> >     to raise?
> How is the social question of "illegitimacy" related "to our genetic 
> makeup" and the behavior of nesting birds?
> Jerry

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