On Fri, 8 Sep 1995, James Devine wrote:

> I don't know how substantial this issue is, but as far as I can 
> tell, there are 5 different meanings of "dialectics":

        It was very important for someone here to at least try to put 
such complex, mind-bending confusion into some kind of order, no matter 
how crude (it's a joke, Jim!) IMO.

        I think discussion here, and on the Marxism List (where this
thread really belongs) would do well to make a note of these `5 meanings'
and refer back to them when issues around Dialectics get confusing... 

        Perhaps they can be a nucleus for a definition of Dialectics in 
the (hopefully) future Marxism FAQ...

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Those who would give up essential Liberty,              Benjamin Franklin
to purchase a little temporary Safety,                  Pennsylvania Assembly
deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.                     Nov. 11, 1755
Jim Jaszewski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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